Taken by: Madeleine Browning
Top - Free People (via freepeople.com)
Boots - Justine's
Necklace - Urban Outfitters
As I have mentioned a couple posts back, my good friend Madeleine and I went on a road-trip out West during spring break. On the very first day of our adventure we had accomplished so much. We started out the by making the best sandwiches in the world (which we devoured during the first leg of the drive) and stopped at the border to take the cliche photo underneath the "Welcome to California" sign. A couple hours in, we stumbled across the beautiful Imperial Sand Dunes and of course, we had to illegally park the car for a little photo session. Because of the time constraint, we had to jump out and shoot in whatever we had handy as most of our clothes were stuffed in giant suitcases. You know, we just wanted to have options... Lots and lots of options.
After 15 minutes spent running around in the sand, the adventure continued as we made our way to the next stop; The Salvation Mountain. Be sure to check back for the rest of the photos from our trip! There are so many- from digitals, polaroids, to disposables. We're just huge photo junkies.